photo competition

Free car rental photo/video competition

The past few days the Great Auk has been continuing to see some amazing places in Iceland

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Great Auk around Iceland in a rental car

We are halfway through to our first, monthly competition. The Great Auk has seen some stunning places and keeps on going places, seeing people and having a blast!

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The great Auk competition

The great Auk competition is off to a great start. Just use your imagination and take pics of the provided great Auk and you have a chance of winning back the full amount of your rental fee. Fuel not included.

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Want your rental car for free?

To honor great Auk, the first unofficial symbol of early environmental laws, we want to create an awareness of this great bird by inviting customers of Go Iceland Car rental to enter our monthly photo/video contest. If you win, you get all your rental fee back.

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