What a great start we got on our photo/video competition. Thank you so much! Dominic McGovern was the first one to post a pic of the great Auk so he deserves a special thanks & congrats on a great shot! Show us more! 🙂
Our Instagram user Ohfraanzi took a whole series of great shots yesterday. Even made the great Auk fly. You are showing great imagination. We love it! Well done! 🙂 You can see a few shots from Ohfraanzi here below!
The anticipation at the office is very high to see more pics and who will be the first one to post a video.
While this game is all fun we want to take the opportunity to ask you to be careful if you are driving off the beaten track. Unfortunately we have a bit of rain for the moment and rivers can rise fast an roads can get to be all muddy and slippery so take care out there but make sure to enjoy your vacation in Iceland.
Keep on shooting the great Auk!!! 🙂
How to enter the photo/video competition
Safe travels! #GoIceland